Andy Young is an Emmy-Nominated Film & TV Editor based in Los Angeles that specializes in comedy with experience in both animation & live-action projects. His work has premiered at major film festivals like SXSW, earned over a billion views online, and is available on major streamers like Peacock, Max, & Amazon Prime.
A proud union member of MPEG #700, he’s the co-chair of their Young Workers Group and was recently featured in Cinemontage’s What Our Members Do column. That said, depending on the project, he’s open to both Union & Non-Union work.
“Ever since I saw Airplane! & The Simpsons way too early and way too many times as a kid I knew I wanted to work in comedy, but regardless of genre & medium I’m just passionate about telling great stories. As an editor I'm fast, organized, reliable, and love to collaborate with a team!”
Other fun facts? He was a writer for Moviemaker Magazine, interviewed Dan Harmon in the documentary Harmontown, Conan O’Brien made fun of him on television, and he likes bacon & mushrooms on his pizza. Just, like, if you’re not doing anything after this or whatever…?