Teamed up with Seth Rogen & Hilarity for Charity to make a series of educational videos! Class is in session with celebrity teachers like Seth, Quinta Brunson & Kirsten Bell as they teach you Alzheimer’s prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Enroll now!
Dir. Jon Wolf
Production Co. Antigravity Academy
Was on-set editor for Bush’s Beans commercial where Brian Baumgartner (Kevin on The Office) shows off how to make his famous chili.
Dir. Oren Kaplan
Cut a series of Mountain Dew commercials featuring Yassuo & Courage. DON’T rage-quit, DO the Dew!
Dir. Matt Enlow
Ever since some strange thing that happened at the end of 2016 I’ve been deeply engrossed in politics. With the former Obama staffers at Crooked Media I’ve helped lampoon the current administration, register new voters, and made the live intro videos for the POD SAVE AMERICA tour that played in historic theaters like The Greek and Radio City Music Hall. I also edited the flagship video for Vote Save America's "Adopt A State" program, a website that was shared by President Barack Obama.
Cut together an epic ‘Let’s Play’ campaign where videogame superfans and NBA superstars alike teamed up to compete in a legendary PUBG tournament.
Dir. Tim Nackashi
Spot for the healthy vitamins Smartypants - because I’m proud, frankly! Also edited & co-edited several videos in the series here.
Edited a series of lively spots for the American Career College promoting their medical vocational program. Got to work with some 16mm footage on this one which was a lot of fun!
Dir. Johan Anderson